
RingCentral supports two methods for Click-To-Call:

  • RingOut API call
  • URI Scheme to RingCentral softphone application

Both are covered here.

RingOut API call

To initiate a RingOut API call, call the ringout endpoint. While the from number is optional, if it is used, it must match one of the configured forwarding numbers with the CallForwarding feature.

# Instantiate client SDK
client = ...
client.login ...

# RingOut Example
response = do |req|
  req.url 'account/~/extension/~/ringout'
  req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
  req.body = {
    to: { phoneNumber: '14155551212'}, # to is required
    from: { phoneNumber: '16505551212' }, # from optional
    playPrompt: true # playPrompt is optional

Retrieving a List of Valid RingOut From Numbers

When building an application that creates RingOut calls it is useful to retrieve a list of phone numbers to pre-select the from phone number. This can be done using the extension/forwarding-number endpoint and then selecting the phone numbers with the CallForwarding feature. A common UX for this is to present a drop down element to allow the user to select a phone number.

To retrieve a list of phone numbers, make a GET request to the extension/forwarding-number endpoint as follows:

# Phone Number Example
response = client.http.get do |req|
  req.url 'account/~/extension/~/phone-number'

This will return a list of phone numbers assigned the extension as shown below. Filter for the CallForwarding feature and then use the E.164 phoneNumber property value.

  "uri" => ""
  "records"=> [
      "id" => "33333333",
      "phoneNumber" =>"+16505551212",
      "label"=>"My Phone",
      "features"=>["CallForwarding", "CallFlip"],

Retrieving a List of Valid RingOut Caller ID Numbers

Note: The Caller Id number used in a RingOut call is set in the Online Account Portal ( under the extension RingOut from Web setting. This is available by logging into the Online Account Portal and navigating to: Settings > Outbound Caller ID > By Feature > RingOut from Web. If you need to set the Caller Id value in a call, consider using RingCentral's WebRTC capability.

To retrieve a list of numbers that can be used for Caller ID, use the extension/phone-number endpoint and then selecting the phone numbers with the CallerId feature. A common UX for this is to present a drop down element to allow the user to select a phone number to send from.

To retrieve a list of phone numbers, make a GET request to the extension/phone-number endpoint as follows:

# Phone Number Example
response = client.http.get do |req|
  req.url 'account/~/extension/~/phone-number'

This will return a list of phone numbers assigned the extension as shown below. Filter for the CallerId feature and then use the E.164 phoneNumber property value.

  "uri" => ""
  "records"=> [
      "id" => 33333333,
      "phoneNumber" => "+16505551212",
      "paymentType" => "Local",
      "type" => "VoiceFax",
      "usageType" => "DirectNumber",
      "features" => ["SmsSender", "CallerId"],
      "status" => "Normal",
      "country" => {
        "uri" => "",
        "id" => "1",
        "name" => "United States"

URI Scheme

To initiate a Click-To-Call via URI scheme, it is necessary to create a URI that the user will click on. You can use either the standard tel URI scheme or the RingCentral rcmobile URI scheme. The RingCentral scheme supports multiple functions including SMS.

<!-- rcmobile is only used by RingCentral -->
<a href="rcmobile://call?number=16501112222">1-650-111-2222</a>

<!-- tel is a standard used by many apps -->
<a href="tel:1-650-111-2222">1-650-111-2222</a>
<a href="tel:16501112222">1-650-111-2222</a>