Generic HTTP Requests

The SDK provides access to a HTTP client and generic requests to support the wide number of APIs supported by the RingCentral Connect Platform. The HTTP client and generic request processor will automatically manage OAuth access token refresh transparently.

  • The HTTP Client is a Faraday client.
  • The generic requests are sub-classes of RingCentralSdk::REST::Request::Base. A generic request subclass, RingCentral::REST::Request::Simple to simply API calls. A fax subclasses is also provided to make creating multipart/mixed requests easier.

HTTP Client

To make generic API requests, use included Faraday client which can be accessed via client.http. The client automatically adds the correct access token to the HTTP request and handles OAuth token refresh using the OAuth gem.

http = client.http

Faraday request middleware has been loaded for the following:

  • :oauth2_refresh
  • :json
  • :url_encoded

Faraday response middleware is loaded for the following:

  • :json

An example SMS request is presented below:

# SMS using Faraday
response = do |req|
  req.url 'account/~/extension/~/sms'
  req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
  req.body = {
    from: {phoneNumber: '+16505551212'},
    to: [ {phoneNumber: '+14155551212'} ],
    text: 'Hi there!'

RingCentralSDK Request Subclasses

In addition to providing access to the Faraday client, the SDK also provides a Request base class that can be used to construct more complicated requests.

Class name Description
RingCentralSDK::REST::Request::Base Base class
RingCentralSDK::REST::Request::Simple Generic helper class
RingCentralSDK::REST::Request::Fax Fax helper class

Base class interface

Class name Type Description
method enum String [get, post, put, delete]
url String
params Hash query parameters
headers Hash
body String or Hash Hash for JSON
content_type String convenience method

Simple Request Class

request =
  url: 'account/~/extension/~/message-store',
  params: {
    direction: 'Inbound',
    messageType: 'SMS'

response = client.send_request request