Answering Rules - Call Forwarding

Organizations often wish to programmatically update the RingCentral extension Call Handling & Forwarding rules. This can be done using the RingCentral Connect Platform API as described below.

Answering Rule Resource

Each RingCentral extension has two answering rule resources, one for business hours and another for after hours. These can be configured by end-users using the RingCentral Online Account Portal under extension Call Handling & Forwarding.

The API endpoints are as follows:

  • account/~/extension/~/answering-rule/business-hours-rule
  • account/~/extension/~/answering-rule/after-hours-rule

The answering rule resource can be retrieved via the following:

Ruby SDK Request

  method: 'get',
  url: 'account/~/extension/~/answering-rule/business-hours-rule'

HTTP Request

GET /restapi/v1.0/account/11111111/extension/22222222/answering-rule/business-hours-rule HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer MyAccessToken   

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "uri": "",
    "id": "business-hours-rule",
    "type": "BusinessHours",
    "enabled": true,
    "schedule": {
        "ref": "BusinessHours"
    "callHandlingAction": "ForwardCalls",
    "forwarding": {
        "notifyMySoftPhones": true,
        "notifyAdminSoftPhones": false,
        "softPhonesRingCount": 1,
        "ringingMode": "Sequentially",
        "rules": [
                "index": 1,
                "ringCount": 4,
                "forwardingNumbers": [
                        "uri": "",
                        "id": "33333333",
                        "phoneNumber": "+16505551212",
                        "label": "My Cisco SPA-303 Desk Phone"
                "index": 2,
                "ringCount": 8,
                "forwardingNumbers": [
                        "uri": "",
                        "id": "44444444",
                        "phoneNumber": "+4155551212",
                        "label": "Home"
                "index": 3,
                "ringCount": 12,
                "forwardingNumbers": [
                        "uri": "",
                        "id": "55555555",
                        "phoneNumber": "+12125551212",
                        "label": "Mobile"
    "greetings": [
            "type": "Voicemail",
            "prompt": {
                "id": "0",
                "type": "message",
                "name": "No One Available"
            "type": "Introductory"
            "type": "AudioWhileConnecting",
            "prompt": {
                "id": "6",
                "type": "music",
                "name": "Acoustic"
            "type": "ConnectingMessage",
            "prompt": {
                "id": "3",
                "type": "message",
                "name": "Forward hold 1"
    "screening": "Never",
    "voicemail": {
        "enabled": true,
        "recipient": {
            "uri": "",
            "id": 22222222

Updating the Forwarding Number Phone Number

  • Permissions needed: EditExtensions

The business and after hours rules can forward calls to a set of forwarding numbers. To update the phone number used, identify the forwarding number in the list of rules and then update the phone number of that resource using a HTTP PUT request to the endpoint updating the phoneNumber property.

An update can be written as follows:

Ruby SDK Request

  method: 'put',
  url: 'account/11111111/extension/22222222/forwarding-number/33333333',
  body: {
    phoneNumber: '+16505551212'

HTTP Request

PUT /restapi/v1.0/account/11111111/extension/22222222/forwarding-number/33333333 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer MyAccessToken
Content-Type: application/json

  "phoneNumber": "+16505551212"