Managing Call Queues - Updating Member Status


RingCentral Call Queues are a common way to assign responsibility for answering calls to an extension to multiple users.

The RingCentral API can be used to automate the scheduling of which members are currently active and inactive on the call queue, a useful feature when managing on call users via an external application. This can be done by updating the status of a queue member's Do Not Disturb (DND) status via the user extension's presence dndStatus property as described here.

Since this requires managing the extension presence on individual extensions, an administration extension authorization grant is necessary.


The following presents useful code for managing call queue member status given a call queue extension number with existing members. The Details section below discusses each of these steps in more detail and identifies the code being used in the SDK for reference.

# Instantiate client SDK and authorize as administrator
client = ...
client.authorize_password ... # can be ROPC grant or authorization code grant

# Retrieve a Call Queue Extension by Extension Number to Store in Your App
call_queue_extension_number = 201

extensions = client

call_queue = extensions.get_extension_by_number call_queue_extension_number

# Retrieve Call Queue Members by Call Queue Id to Map to Your User Database
call_queue_members = extensions.get_department_members call_queue['id']

# Enable and Disable Call Queue Member Status
extension_id = call_queue_members[0]['id']

extension_presence = client, extension_id

## Enable Call Queue calls
extension_presence.department_calls_enable true

## Disable Call Queue calls
extension_presence.department_calls_enable false

## Check Call Queue calls enabled
extension_presence.department_calls_enabled? # true or false


Integration with a third-party scheduling service can involve the following steps:

  1. Create and Add Users to a Call Queue
  2. Configure the RingCentral Call Queue in the Scheduling Application
  3. Updating User Call Queue Status

These steps are described below including general steps as well as code using the Ruby SDK. To see how the general steps are implemented, refer to the classes referenced below in GitHub.

Step 1: Create and Add Users to a Call Queue

Using the RingCentral Online Account Portal, create a call queue and add user extensions to the queue as documented in RingCentral Office Admin Guide.

Step 2: Configure the RingCentral Call Queue in the Scheduling Application

Now that the extension is configured in RingCentral, build the application so an end-user can configure the call queue in the scheduling application. To this:

  1. Create a RingCentral call queue object
  2. Retrieve the call queue members
  3. Map queue members to your user objects

Step 2.1: Create a RingCentral call queue object

Create an object to represent a RingCentral call queue object in your application which will be mapped to a RingCentral call queue extension and member user extensions. This should include the call queue extension's id and the extensionNumber. The extension id is a API level identifier for further API calls while the extensionNumber is used in the RingCentral Online Account Portal and will be familiar to and known by end users.

The retieve the call queue extension information to store with your app.

# Retrieve a Call Queue Extension by Extension Number
call_queue_extension_number = 201

extensions = client

call_queue = extensions.get_extension_by_number call_queue_extension_number

The above is implemented in RingCentralSdk::Cache::Extensions (lib/ringcentral_sdk/cache/extensions.rb).

Step 2.2. Retrieve the call queue members

In an end-user application, after retrieving the configured call queue extension information, use the SDK to retrieve the call queue member information as follows:

# Retrieve Call Queue Members by Call Queue Id
# Call extensions.retrieve_all first as shown above
call_queue_members = extensions.get_department_members call_queue['id']

The SDK performs this using the following steps:

  1. Locate the call queue extension id by retrieving an extension list from the API and performing a client-side filter on extensionNumber. At the API, this can either be full extension list or filtered on type=Department for call queue extensions.
  2. Call the department/members API endpoint to retrieve a list of member extension ids and extension numbers
  3. Call the extension API endpoint to retrieve the full information for each call queue member

The above is implemented in RingCentralSdk::Cache::Extensions (lib/ringcentral_sdk/cache/extensions.rb).

Step 2.3: Map queue members to your user objects

Now that you have the call queue member extension info, store this with your user information so you can use the call queue member extension ids to enable and disable call queue members as appropriate. The call queue member extension information also includes information such as name, extension number, etc. that can be displayed in the application for improved UX.

Step 3: Updating User Call Queue Status

After the queue has been created and users have been entered, queue member participation is determined by the user's dndStatus property, also known as Do Not Disturb (DND) status. The dndStatus property can be set to one of four values:

dndStatus Accept Department Calls Accept Non-Department Calls
TakeAllCalls yes yes
DoNotAcceptAnyCalls no no
DoNotAcceptDepartmentCalls no yes
TakeDepartmentCallsOnly yes no

A Call Queue is known as a Department via the API so the DoNotAcceptDepartmentCalls status disables the user from recieving Call Queue calls (but allowing receipt of other calls) and the TakeDepartmentCallsOnly will enable the user to recieve only Call Queue calls. The other settings will affect call calls, including Call Queue calls.

Updating a user extension's dndStatus is done via the presence API endpoint described below. Performing this action in the RingCentral Online Account Portal is described in KB Article 3770.

Step 3.1: Enable a User Extension for Call Queue Calls

To enable a user for Call Queue calls, ensure that the extension's dndStatus is accepting department calls per the table above. This can be done by disabling department calls as follows:

# Enable Call Queue calls
extension_id = 111111 # e.g. call_queue_members[0]['id']

extension_presence = client, extension_id
extension_presence.department_calls_enable true

The SDK performs this using the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the extension's current presence dndStatus using the extension/presence endpoint
  2. Check to see if the extension's dndStatus includes department (call queue) calls
  3. If the presence does not include department calls, update the extension/presence endpoint with the appropriate new status

The above is implemented in RingCentralSdk::REST::ExtensionPresence (lib/ringcentral_sdk/rest/extension_presence.rb).

Step 3.2: Disable a User Extension for Call Queue Calls

To disable a user for Call Queue calls, ensure that the extension's dndStatus is not accepting department calls per the table above. This can be done by disabling department calls as follows:

# Disable Call Queue calls
extension_id = 111111 # e.g. call_queue_members[0]['id']

extension_presence = client, extension_id
extension_presence.department_calls_enable false

The SDK performs this using the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the extension's current presence dndStatus using the extension/presence endpoint
  2. Check to see if the extension's dndStatus excludes department (call queue) calls
  3. If the presence includes department calls, update the extension/presence endpoint with the appropriate new status

The above is implemented in RingCentralSdk::REST::ExtensionPresence (lib/ringcentral_sdk/rest/extension_presence.rb).